Yin Yoga is Tao Philosophy Based

Yin is a powerful and healing practice. If you are here, then you probably have experienced this yourself.

Our course is a Yoga Alliance Continuing Education cour

What makes Yin Yoga so special?

What is yin and yang?

What is the difference between a chakra and a meridian?

Are there better poses for winter, summer, spring or autumn?

These are some of the things that we cover in this course.

Why is Yin Different?

Yin yoga stretches and targets both the deep connective tissues between the muscles, and the fascia throughout the body. The aim is to increase circulation in the joints and improve flexibility. .. while 'regular' yoga asana practice is more about the muscles.

Learn from Books, Videos, Livestream and live

Start ANYTIME - With our program you have direct access to our teachers, our online and in person, in-studio classes.

Yin vs. Restorative

Yin Yoga is different than Restorative yoga because traditionally no props are used. However, often to make the class more accessible and pain free props are used which is why Yin Yoga is taught in tandem with Restorative Yoga.

The meditative practice of yin yoga, also brings things up within us - and Trauma informed training is equally included in this course. The science of trauma and what does to our human minds and bodies is expanding daily. In trauma informed training a neuroscientist teaches part of the course.

Learn from Teachers who Use the Qualities of Yin Yoga

Both teachers of this course, experience and depend on the transformational and healing qualities of yin yoga to help them and have been practicing and teaching for many decades.

This course is closed for enrollment.